Friday, January 9, 2009

Just a Tie and My new Hat

What an exciting day. First of all, we received the cutest hat and tee shirt in the mail today from a good friend. Thanks D Family. We have to wait on the T-shirt (it's a little too big), but the hat fits perfectly and so adorable. I also received my new 50mm f 1:1.8 lens in the mail. The two packages I received were the perfect storm for mini photo shoot. After seeing Charlie in the hat, I was inspired to run upstairs and get one of daddy's ties and then strip Charlie down to his diaper. I took the picture on a little chair I bought at the Green Dragon in front of my door in the basement. I edited the pictures using Jess's Retro Action. I love these photos and I love my new lens. Fast, light and easy for indoor picture taking. Gotta run and a get some frames and decide which ones to print!

1 comment:

  1. These are great shots! I was going to ask you if you had a 50mm 1.8 since you mentioned the low light you had in your house. I continue to get amazing indoor shots w/ no flash w/ this lens. I actually use the lens more than any other (except for some outdoor shots) or shots w/ wide angle. Love Jess's actions too!!
