Tuesday, January 27, 2009

House of The Ill. . .

We've got runny noses, runny butts and high temperatures at our house. We will surely be visitng the Dr. tomorrow morning. The pictures below are from a few minutes ago while Charlie was watching Thomas the Train. I broke my own rule and allowed him to have the pacifier out of the bed. This was about the only time Charlie wasn't whining or crying all day.

Fingers are crossed for a better day and a healthier baby tomorrow.

Thank Goodness for Big Doggie - to help keep sick baby comfy. . .

Such sad eyes. . .

Monday, January 26, 2009

Bull in a China Shop (Well Actually Bison)

If you have been following my blog (shout out to LT from North Jersey), you'll know that I've been counting the days until I ruin my gel tipped nails. A feat that the nail lady said would be impossible. As I mentioned, I am not the most graceful or prim and proper of folks (known to some as a bull in a china shop). The picture above - is my soul sister in gracefulness, I met her this weekend in Yellowstone National Park. I broke my two thumb nails the same day I encountered her - which was 6 days after the gel tips were affixed. So stop the clock. . .I am sad to report - the pretty nails didn't even make it a week.
On a separate note. . .I am working on the pictures I took this week in Montana. I will be posting a bunch with highlights from the trip. I also plan to resume my daily postings. So stay tuned. . .

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Crazy Snowy Day

This weekend my husband was afflicted with a serious case of complianingitis (definition: disease where the person affected can not stop complaining). For him, this is a rec current illness that rears it's ugly head every couple weeks or so. It drives me so crazy that I am working on a remedy to make it go away (ingredients include - three shots of whisky, 2 Zanex pills and 1 50mg Valium).

It was a snowy day today here in Northern New Jersey. Since I was already going crazy (refer to above) - I decided to take Charlie outside for a bit and torment him as I took some pictures. As I expected, he didn't last too long; however, I did manage to get a few good photographs.

Let The Countdown Begin. . .

Yesterday, in a moment of weakness, I was convinced by my hairdresser to let her fix up my nails. If you know me at all - you know that my nails are never manicured and always cut to the shortest length possible. There's a reason for that! It's because my daily movements/activities are not delicate. As my Grandfather used to say "I'm like a bull in a china shop!" I hate to admit it, but it is true. So - don't ask me what I was thinking when I agreed to get gel tips (which have to be filled every 2 - 3 weeks).

So instead of regretting the decision, I thought I'd have a little fun with it and count the days till I ruin the nails. Today is day 2 and still looking pretty good.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Charlie's New Sled

We went home to Reading this week to visit for a bit. Charlie got a new sled for Christmas from his Great Grandparents, so we took him for a ride in it (even though there was hardly any snow). Nevertheless, Charlie loved the sled ride.

I bought those bear paw gloves he's wearing at a vendor stand in Bryant Park for $5 - How cute are they?

Edited using Acid Wash Action - Really like this for outside winter pictures!
Charlie with his Great Grandparents
Where's the snow?

Monday, January 12, 2009

My Furry Friends

I am an animal lover - A true animal lover. I cry at the Sara McLaughlin ASPCA commercials, dog food commercials and most any tv show/movie where an animal is portrayed. I am an ASPCA guardian member. I saved my cat Lilly when she was less than 2 weeks old - dying on my doorstep (we literally had the vet put her on life support for about 2 weeks). I used to be a part of a underground railroad for dogs. I'll explain. . . In short you picked a dog that was on the list to be euthanized. A group of people rescued these dogs, traveled from places like Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama etc. - and brought the dog to your home where you would train it, care for it (most of them were very sick), take them to the vet and then find a loving family to adopt it. It was one of the most gratifying but also very labor intensive experiences of my life.

Since I have had Charlie, I realize that I don't spend half as much time with my own beloved pets as I should - and I often find myself scooting and scatting them out of the way. Although, I truly feel like they each are an equal part of my family, I don't always act that way. Today I made a pledge to give them each the love and attention they deserve. The best thing about them is, no matter how neglectful with hugs and kisses I may be - they never hold a grudge (well except for Lilly - she never really had a strong affinity for me). Here are some pictures of my beloved furry friends.

My 7 year old black lab - We are true buddies.
My 4 year old Golden Doodle. She is so patient with Charlie.

Black and White of Lola aka Missy Elliot

My fat fat cat - I rescued her when she was 1 week old. I nursed her back to health for months - now she hates me (except for when she is hungry). I still love her though.

Our Visit with the Casler Family

On Saturday afternoon, Charlie and I braved the snowy weather and took a little drive south to visit the Casler Family. As soon as we arrived, Charlie got right to business chasing their dog (Lizzie's) tail. Anna - was such a doll, and was very excited to show me and Charlie some of her new toys. Little Nolan bless his heart was so content - just hanging out amongst all of the commotion. We had some homemade pizza for dinner - and Charlie was off to bed soon after that. He got very grumpy very quickly. While Christy put Anna to bed - I went on a wine run. When I returned, we spent the rest of the evening, sitting on the coach - polishing off a bottle of Syrah and chatting. Oh yeah, - in between there somewhere - we did manage to take some pictures. Here are a few. . .

In his beautiful Christening Gown which was made by our High School Friend who owns Amy Baby
Mommy giving Nolan a little smooch
What a happy little guy. . .
Nudie shot. . .

Big Sister Anna - What a ham! She is soooooo photogenic. Buddies. . .

Friday, January 9, 2009

Just a Tie and My new Hat

What an exciting day. First of all, we received the cutest hat and tee shirt in the mail today from a good friend. Thanks D Family. We have to wait on the T-shirt (it's a little too big), but the hat fits perfectly and so adorable. I also received my new 50mm f 1:1.8 lens in the mail. The two packages I received were the perfect storm for mini photo shoot. After seeing Charlie in the hat, I was inspired to run upstairs and get one of daddy's ties and then strip Charlie down to his diaper. I took the picture on a little chair I bought at the Green Dragon in front of my door in the basement. I edited the pictures using Jess's Retro Action. I love these photos and I love my new lens. Fast, light and easy for indoor picture taking. Gotta run and a get some frames and decide which ones to print!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Haircut Terror Thursday

Today I took Charlie for his second haircut (long overdue). As you will see from the pictures below - it was not the highlight of his day (or the hairdressers day for that matter). Afterwards we went to the little park in the center of Ridgewood to take a few pictures. We didn't stay too long as it was very cold out and Charlie still hadn't fully recovered from the trauma of the scissors.

Before Picture - Do you think it's time for a haircut?
Not too happy.
At this point he was Hysterical.
Are we done yet?All done! Much better Now!
At the park. I couldn't get a smile from him to save my life.Similar picture - Using Retro Action by Jess
Mom I refuse to look at you OR smile.
(Tried out Hazy Days Action on this one)Time to go home. Bye Bye.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dinnertime from a Dogs Point of View

Every meal time I go through the same routine. I cook Charlie his food, put him in his chair and for about 10 or 15 minutes, I repeat the following. . . "Charlie, NO - Stop throwing your food. Oliver, Lola (my dogs) stop begging and get out of the kitchen. Charlie - NO -NO please don't feed the dogs. Oliver and Lola - Get down. Charlie, eat your dinner. Oliver, Get your tongue off his food. " That little ditty is repeated at least a dozen times during each meal. When I am really drained, I may just shorten it to "No No No No No No No" while looking at each offender. Tonight I thought I take some pictures at dinnertime to capture that moment, but I found that I couldn't hold my camera, maneuver between the two dogs, the chair and food that was being thrown. So, instead, I went a new route. I captured dinner from 2 points of view - mine and the dogs. Here they are. . .
My point of view. This is location from where I continuously reprimand all 3 of my naughty kids.
The dogs point of view. The exact location where they blatantly ignore my commands, and eat half of Charlie's meal each day.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I think I am going to make it. . .

I actually think I am going to make it through the first 4 days of this diet (the first 4 days are like a detox and supppossed to be the hardest). I really can't believe it - but I am doing ok. My friend Sara is also starting a diet this week - so it's nice to have an online buddy to vent with. I planned to go to my club and weigh myself today but Charlie was a little cranky - so I think I'll go tomorrow.

Here is a picture of my lunch today. Couldn't stomach all the tomato's, but ate everything else.

As for my day - well I played around with my warm cards, but couldn't figure them out too well. I also took Charlie to his play class. Other than that - not too exciting of a day.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Valentines Day is Just Around the Corner!

I've just realized that Valentines day is just around the corner. I've started playing around with some cards and need to get on the ball with my own photos. Here's one I made using Little B Sakach.

New Blog - Hello 2009

I started a blog which is attached to my small freelance photography webiste - but was inspired by an old friend to also start a more personal blog of thoughts, memories, pictures, favorites and whatever else I come across. I wish I would have started this when Charlie was born. My Oh My how my life has changed since then.

Anywho, It's the start of a new year - So, hello 2009! This year - I am going to try to update this blog each day - and hopefully add a photo or two from the day. This will give me a chance to play around with new actions, backgrounds and photo techniques and hopefully I will be able to "Pay It Forward" to others who have shared with me.

As for me personally, I am on jump start day #2 of the Flat Belly Diet http://www.flatbellydiet.com/ I saw it on the Today Show and it seemed pretty reasonable. I am not a dieter - never have been - so it's quite a feat for me to even attempt this. But it's definitely time. Charlie is 14 months old and I still could pass for being in my second trimester! (I'm not kidding - all the weight is around my belly - like an innertube). How have I done so far? Well - so far I had to repeat Day 1 twice due to lots of cheating and a night out at a Mexican Restaraunt. I finally made it through Day 1 (hungry as hell) and am on to Day 2 - Just had my lunch. If I make it through today - I will be half way through the 4 day Jump Start which is suppossed to shed pounds instantly. Here is a picture of what I am about to eat for lunch. . .ugh.

I edited this image using Coffee Shop "Honey Retro" I think this may be one of my new favorite actions.