Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I think I am going to make it. . .

I actually think I am going to make it through the first 4 days of this diet (the first 4 days are like a detox and supppossed to be the hardest). I really can't believe it - but I am doing ok. My friend Sara is also starting a diet this week - so it's nice to have an online buddy to vent with. I planned to go to my club and weigh myself today but Charlie was a little cranky - so I think I'll go tomorrow.

Here is a picture of my lunch today. Couldn't stomach all the tomato's, but ate everything else.

As for my day - well I played around with my warm cards, but couldn't figure them out too well. I also took Charlie to his play class. Other than that - not too exciting of a day.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - you go! I hear you on the inner tube . . . I may need to try this!
